Two new albums on Chavah: Alon Tamir - The Way Everlasting, Alon Tamir - The Way of the King

Shalom friends, let's welcome in 2025 with new music for the King:

Here are two new albums - 40 new songs! - contributed by the artist to Chavah. I think y'all are really going to enjoy this:

Friends, I gave these albums a listen and I'm just thrilled to have them on the station. Beautiful songs in Hebrew for our King, with a few in French and English. These praises span multiple psalms, the gospels, and the epistles, all set to beautiful Middle Eastern tunes. Friends, I think you'll enjoy this new music.

Big thanks to Alon for reaching out to us and contributing his music to the station.

You can purchase Alon's music over at Apple Music. You can also donate to Messiah's Music Fund, which is distributed to all the musicians on Chavah each month.

Enjoy, holy friends!


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