You donated $982 to Messiah's Musicians last month

Shalom dear listeners, שלום מאזינים יפים I’m a bit late announcing it this month 😊, but as part of Messiah’s Music Fund , you all have donated $982 to Messianic musicians in February - thank you! Messiah’s Music Fund is a holy work for the King that tangibly blesses the artists on Chavah each month. Thank you for making it possible! Here are the exact figures: $782 in monthly donations - from 52 individuals who donate monthly to Messiah’s Music Fund $100 in one-time donation from The Orchard: ESsentials for Living (Jeff & Maggie). $100 from myself Since July 2020 when Messiah’s Music Fund began, you fine listeners have donated $17,549 to Messiah’s musicians . Thank you for blessing Yeshua’s musicians, fine Chavah fans. ♥ As a reminder, we distribute funds to the artists based on the number of times an artist’s songs are played on Chavah. Artists whose songs play more often on Chavah receive more financial support. We distribute funds once they reach a total $10 thresho...