
Showing posts from May, 2017

New music: Micha’el Eliyahu BenDavid – Kol Yonah

Shalom friends, We’ve rolled out some new music on Chavah Messianic Radio, and I think you’re going to love it: Micha’el & Ashley BenDavid – Kol Yonah (Voice of a Dove) Micha’el is a dear friend of mine and of Chavah – in fact, we also run his website, . I truly believe new album – his 7th, hallelu! – is his best yet. I’ve written a review of the album – go read it, and you’ll find a free download from the new album waiting for you. If you enjoy this beautiful worship album that Micha’el and his wife have produced for the Lord and for your joy, I encourage you to support Micha’el by purchasing the album for $15. Enjoy the new tunes for the Lord, fine Chavah fans!

New music: Joshua Aaron – Every Tribe

Shalom Messianic music fans, Fresh new music for Messiah on the station: Joshua Aaron – Every Tribe Joshua Aaron has some of the most popular music on Chavah; his song Gadol Elohai ranks as the #20th top-ranked song of all-time on Chavah. We’re certain you fine Chavah fans will love this new album. Every Tribe is a new release by Joshua Aaron. We reached out to Joshua inquiring about playing this new album on Chavah, and he graciously gave us permission. Since he’s freely given, let’s repay his kindness: you can purchase his music over at . Also, check out his music videos on YouTube . Here’s a new video from the opening song on this new album: