New music: SOLU Israel - Zeh Matkhil (It Begins) זה מתחיל

New Messianic music from Israel now streaming on Chavah:

SOLU Israel - Zeh Matkhil (It Begins) זה מתחיל

I love this group and their joyful praises for the King! I've really been enjoying their music after adding several of their older albums to Chavah. (One particular favorite is Hu Ohr | He is Light

Here's a bit about this album from the band themselves:

"As we started writing these songs back in 2022, the Lord was moving...but we had no idea of all that He would do. Now with grateful hearts, we're excited for you to hear just what He gave! May these songs stir you to be a voice crying in the wilderness, preparing the way of the Lord as the day of His return draws near. It's already been quite a journey, but begins!"

Give it a listen, dear Messianic music fans! And let us know what you think. You can support SOLU Israel by purchasing their music over at You can also support them by donating to Messiah's Music Fund, which is disbursed to all the artists on Chavah each month as a tangible blessing.

Enjoy this new music for the King as you enjoy the sabbath, dear friends.


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