New music: Robbie Cummings - If My People

To celebrate US Independence Day, we’re adding 4 new albums to Chavah Messianic Radio. These new albums are produced by artists who performed at the recent Proclaim Hebraic Music Fest – which was amazing and you need to come next year. ☺

Here’s the fourth:

Robby Cummings - If My People
Album art for Bailey Family Ministry - Northern Star

At Proclaim Music Fest the other week, I found Robby’s praise to be stirring, intimate, God-glorifying. He led me closer to God through his praises. I hope this album will do the same for you, fine Chavah fans.

A bit about Robby:

Robby is an anointed singer/songwriter and musician whose call is to lead worship. With an overwhelming sense of adoration, Robby will bring you into the presence of the Father where healing, restoration, peace, and joy flow freely. For believers with ears to hear, Robby ignites a passion for the secret place of the Most High God.

For those whose hearts may have grown cold or distant, Robby’s voice rings with a holy calling of the Spirit, crying out, “come back home.” Robby and his band minister to God’s people through inspirational song, instrumental spontaneity and the spoken word.

Robby’s Native American ancestry has also impacted his music and ministry. With Cherokee lineage on his mother’s side and Lumbee lineage from his father’s side, Robby carries a special passion for his heritage. Robby and his wife Lindsy have led worship at numerous Native American gatherings in cities and tribal communities across the United States and Canada. He is known for carrying the sound of the redeemed warrior Bride of Yeshua with much affection and zeal, anticipating His soon return.

You can support Robby Cummings by purchasing his music at You can also donate to Messiah’s Music Fund, which distributes funds to all the musicians on Chavah.

Enjoy the fresh music for Messiah, fine Chavah fans. And happy Independence Day!


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