New music: HaYovel - Hallel

Shalom fine Chavah fans,

New music now playing on Chavah for your edification:

HaYovel - Hallel
Album art for HaYovel - Hallel

This new album covers the Hallel psalms, Psalm 113-118, in Hebrew and in English. These psalms are traditionally recited at Passover; the Gospels record Yeshua/Jesus also singing the Hallel after the Passover meal. While these psalms are special for Passover season, I think they’re beautiful and powerful in their own right, good for us at any time and season. 😊

HaYovel is a group of Christians who volunteer on the vineyards in Judea and Samaria, blessing Israel and the Jewish people. You can volunteer with them. I met these folks at Hebraic Music Fest the other month, and they’re genuine disciples of Yeshua. Good people.

Support HaYovel: volunteer with them in Israel, purchase their hand-crafted in Israel merchandise, and buy this album. You can also donate to Messiah’s Music Fund, which supports all the musicians on Chavah, including HaYovel.

Enjoy, fine Chavah fans! And shabbat shalom.


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