Bailey Family Ministry - Northern Star

To celebrate US Independence Day, we’re adding 4 new albums to Chavah Messianic Radio. These new albums are produced by artists who performed at the recent Proclaim Hebraic Music Fest – which was amazing and you need to come next year. ☺

Here’s the third:

Bailey Family Ministry - Northern Star
Album art for Bailey Family Ministry - Northern Star

I had the pleasure of worshiping with the Bailey family the other week at Proclaim, and they are a blast! They have joyful reggae takes on classic Messianic songs, smooth and soothing a cappellas, fresh takes on old hymns, dancing, beautiful harmonies. I really enjoyed praising with these folks.

A little about them:

We are a family ministry dedicated to walking out the Father’s purpose
in our lives. Having embarked long ago on this quest, our mission is
not complete until every beacon we have been sent forth to light has
been kindled. Therefore, we travel far and wide to minister in his
name in passion and in truth through the art of our music, and words
of our heart. Being a family of ten, we’ve found harmony to be a
foundational essence in our music, as well as our life together. It is
our sincere hope that we can reach you to inspire in your heart that
which the Lord has placed there and draw you to a closer walk with
him. Whether you’re a skip away or from distant lands, BFM would love
to hear from you anytime, so feel free to drop us an email at
and tell us what you’re thinking.

You can support Bailey Family Ministry by purchasing their music at You can also donate to Messiah’s Music Fund, which distributes funds to all the musicians on Chavah.

Enjoy the fresh music for Messiah, fine Chavah fans. And happy Independence Day!


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