New music: Shawna Rae – Of Dreams and Dust

Shabbat shalom fine Chavah fans,

I’m pleased to announce new music from a holy friend now playing on Chavah:

Shawna Rae – Of Dreams and Dust

Shawna Rae is a new and upcoming Messianic artist with a beautiful voice, a remarkable songwriting skill, and a passion for the Lord. She runs Proclaim Hebraic Music Fest, a new music festival in the midwest US that attracts a great deal of music talent for the Lord. I’ve had the joy of worshiping with her over the last several years during the Biblical feasts, so it’s with great pleasure I can present her new album – her first! – on Chavah. The songs are beautiful and stirring, creative and thought-provoking works for the Lord. I think you fine Chavah fans will enjoy.

You can support Shawna by purchasing her album over at Thanks for supporting Messiah’s musicians, fine Chavah fans.


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