New music: Miqedem - Vol. II

Fresh new music for Messiah straight from Tel Aviv:

Miqedem - Vol. II

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This new album, Volume II, is fresh off the presses - released just days ago. I was a financial backer of this new album because I know their music is reaching new audiences in Israel and the nations. It's stirring hearts for Messiah, even my own. I know you guys are going to love it!

This holy music group from Israel is touring the United States right now -- they just arrived last week. I was fortunate to worship with them and meet them just days ago - photos below. Afterwards I spoke with lead singer Jamie Hilsden about playing this new album on Chavah Messianic Radio, and he said, "Yes! Go for it!" (Thanks Jamie!)

(Here’s a few shots of me with the band!)


I hope you'll check out Volume II, give it a listen, and support them by purchasing their music from Enjoy the fresh tunes for Mashiach!


  1. Nehedar.. wonderful, a new album.. my favorite group! Really like the transliterated & english words with hebrew. It helps me sing along & memorize the hebrew phrases.


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