New music from independent Messianic artists

Fine Chavah listeners,

We've added music from several independent Messianic artists:

Enjoy, fine Messianic music fans.


  1. Hey hello hi I love you station
    1 been listening to Messianic radio for 3 years and I have a suggestion below that I'd like you to consider

    But first would you please send me a Ministry address to where I can donate to CHAVAH MESSIANIC RADIO MINISTRY ADDRESS


    send me a email


    Realizing that the artist get donations from Individual people from the public at that I understand so they do receive funds but limited I'm sure in each person who is on Messianic radio

    so my suggestion is
    To create a monthly coffee can donation Ministry jar

    That can be divided up in donations that are incoming from us the public just to Chavah radio

    What I mean is people can donate two Messianic radio and you would take a percentage 20% off the top Etc or something for example like that

    And the artists who are on Messianic radio will receive each artist regardless if songs are played or not they all each individually would add to their additional donations evenly across the board at the monthly distribution

    What I mean is if it all turns out that each artist gets $8.38 per month additionally great whatever if it's $28 per month tremendous

    I think each artist may not get donations because people sing worship and use the ministry music but forget to really go back and thank the artist with a donation so a kitty pool of collected donations per month and a percentage given to each and every artist whether it's 10% 5% 3% of whatever is the monthly donations to

    Chavah Messianic radio gives them an additional Kickback of some funding that they deserve

    since not not each artist is going to get donated to because people are lazy and don't donate at the very moment

    while the song ministers and blesses them blesses them

    But the reason for my writing don't forget please to send me an e-mail of the Messianic radio address where you would receive a donation so that if I choose to on a monthly basis or whatever I choose

    I'd like to have a mailing address to your p.o. box if that's a secure location whatever is available

    Still there by having a p.o. box is fine or street address I'm in San Diego and I look forward to making a donation please send me your mailing address please

    for Chavah Messianic radio Ministry

    Please let me know your address
    Snail mail is preferred

    Thank you

    1. Shalom Michael,

      Thanks for your willingness to donate to Chavah. I've sent you an email with our physical address.

      Regarding your suggestion of a tip jar, yes, we have one, it's called Messiah's Music Fund! Check out for details. Donations to Messiah's Music Fund get distributed to all the artists on Chavah each month. ♥


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