New music: Yaakov Ben Yehoshua

Three new music albums added in a day. Making up for a bit of lost time in the last month or so. ☺

Today’s new album is actually several singles by friend of the station, Yaakov Ben Yehoshua:

Born Again
Born Again album art


Ani Ohev אני אוהב
Ani ohev album art

Shema album art

You Alone Are God
You Alone Are God album art

HaKol Beseder הכל בסדר
Album art for HaKol Beseder

I Will Fear You
Album art for I Will Fear You

Or Khadash
Album art for Or Khadash

Kum Bo Yah
Kum Bo Yah

Thanks to Yaakov for sending us all his tunes for play on Chavah. We hope you'll enjoy them, fine Chavah listeners.

You can his music over at Amazon.


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