Giving thanks: Neil & Pam C.

As it’s Thanksgiving week here in the US, a listener wrote a letter (not an email – a genuine old fashioned letter – how sweet!) thanking God for Chavah. I was touched and wanted to show it here.

Mr. Himango -

We have enjoyed your ministry for a year or two. I have shared your site/station with many others.

One of the things I have appreciated is the playing of new/less well known artists. Most people are qaware of Lamb, Paul Wiblur, Jonathan Settel, et cetera. But now we have new favorites!!! Thank you!!

I also appreciate how the album is displayed while playing; being able to see pertinent information about the artist for future reference.

Thank you so much for what you ahve created and operate.

You obviously have knowledge and a gift for putting all of this together – I read your blog on how Chavah works. I will not pretend to understand the technicalitites, but I am impressed with the way it works and is user friendly for those of us who are technologically disadvantaged. Please do not change anything.

Blessings and Shalom,

Neil and Pam C.

What an encouragement. Neil and Pam – thank you for this letter! I’m encouraged and built up when I hear folks are blessed by Chavah.

Happy Thanksgiving to all our US listeners.


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