New music: Gaby Grace - Heaven On Earth

Shalom Chavah listeners,

Fresh new music on the station that I hope you'll enjoy and be blessed by:

Gaby Grace - Heaven On Earth

This EP is a 4 song set was recommended by a Chavah listener, Linda N. We reached out to Gaby to get her permission for play on the station and she graciously agreed. Thanks Gaby & Linda!

Here's a bit about Gaby and her music:

Gaby Grace is an emerging singer/songwriter who defines her genre as epic vocal pop-orchestral music.

As far as she can remember, she's always been passionate about music and grew up holding unto her ambitious dream of one day, becoming a successful recording and performing artist.

There was, however, a big stumbling block in her way: she had no idea what kind of music she wanted to create!

Having such a broad range of influences from the mainstream pop artists of the day, to old 70/80's rock bands, alternative genres and just about everything else in between, she struggled with finding her own musical identity.

Regardless, her desire was to somehow, someday, make it BIG and ultimately, to become a superstar.

Come college years, she felt led to pursue classical voice training as opposed to pop music to develop her vocal technique and gain musical knowledge, although she previously had no classical music background.

This opened her up to another musical world and encouraged her to experiment with different ways of using her voice.

Between then and now, over ten years went by and many major life events occurred which would ultimately serve to mold her into the artist she has become and remold her motives for wanting to make music altogether.

In 2011, she went from a full-blown atheist to a believer in Messiah, which turned her whole world upside down and gave her a brand new purpose for making music: it was no longer about personal ambition, but a deep longing to share the Truth through epic melodies that stand in their own peculiar niche, while still remaining relatable and accessible to all.

It is only in late 2019 that she started "receiving", as she describes it, truly unique songs which would together form her debut EP. 

In her own words:  

"The day I gave my life to My Creator, was also the day I renounced my own, selfish desires. I've always known that creating music was my calling, but now my purpose is not merely to entertain or be popular, but to pierce through the ears and souls of my listeners to get them to encounter Truth, and ultimately the One who is THE Truth in a musically compelling way.

Everything from my music genre, to every lyric of every song, is nothing I could've come up with myself, but it's been granted to me as a gift from above, which I only hope to be able to share with as many truth-seeking, epic music-loving souls as I can."

If you love ethereal sounds, meaningful & soul-cutting lyrics, powerful vocals, and melodies which can take you into the realm of spiritual battle & victory, then Gaby Grace's music was meant to find you!

You can support Gaby's music ministry by purchasing her music over at You can also support her by donating to Messiah's Music Fund, which is distrubted to all the artists on Chavah each month.

Enjoy the new music for King Messiah, dear Chavah listeners. 🥰 And chag sameach Sukkot in Yeshua to you all.


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