New music: David Abramsky - Clothed in Gladness

Shalom friends,

Beautiful instrumental music now playing on Chavah. Give it a listen? A single and an album:

David Abramsky - It Is Well with My Soul (Single)

David Abramsky - Clothed in Gladness

David's music is beautiful instrumentals of cello and piano set to Jewish traditional songs like Artza Aleinu and Avinu Malkeinu, classic hymns like Be Thou My Vision and It Is Well with My Soul, to original creations. Beautifully crafted, holy arrangements here, friends!

David personally reached out to me and contributed this album for play on the station. He says, 

Thank you for your many years of playing my music on your station.  I appreciate it so much.

I wonder if there are tracks that I didn't send you—that you may be interested in.  Here's the list I have "out there" right now (some of which you already have).

May all your staff be abundantly blessed in this season of the Days of Awe - Yamim Noraim.

Thank you David!

Friends, do support David's music by purchasing his music. You can also donate to Messiah's Music Fund, which gets distributed to all the artists on Chavah. Thanks for supporting David, fine Chavah fans. 💗

Enjoy your shabbat and this final day of Sukkot 2023!


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