New music: Paul Wilbur - Revive: Songs of Lamb and Israel's Hope

New music on Chavah! We’re now playing Paul Wilbur’s tribute album to Messianic music pioneers Lamb and Israel’s Hope:

Paul Wilbur - Revive: Songs of Lamb and Israel’s Hope
Album art for Joshua Aaron - Cover the Sea

Paul Wilbur is easily the most popular musician on Chavah; receiving more plays every month than other artists. And this album is a beautiful tribute to Messianic music pioneers Lamb (Joel Chernoff & Levi Coghill) and Israel’s Hope (Paul Wilbur, Marc Chopinsky, Rene Bloch).

Lamb and Israel’s Hope blazed the trail of the Messianic genre, paving the way for new and innovative praises from modern artists. This new album, Revive, offers fresh takes on old classics from Lamb and Israel’s Hope.

I can remember listening to such music as a young boy; even today, Lamb is still my favorite! So, this album already holds a special place in my heart. I think it’ll do the same for you, friends.

You can purchase this album over at You can also donate to Messiah’s Music Fund, which distributes funds to Paul Wilbur and all of Messiah’s musicians on Chavah each month.

Enjoy this new music for the Lord, holy friends. I hope it brings a little joy to your shabbat. ♥


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