Marty Blume has passed away from coronavirus


I'm shocked and deeply saddened to report that, Marty Blume, a dear friend of the station and long-time supporter of Chavah, has passed away from coronavirus. His wife is raising funds for his funeral and burial.

Marty helped us get Chavah Messianic Radio off the ground, contributed on the admin side of Chavah, helped us acquire the necessary licenses to legally play music on the web, and was a creative mind for helping Messiah's musicians financially.

He was a friend to so many in the Messianic movement. I remember meeting the Miqedem music group a few years ago. I was showing them Chavah Messianic Radio on my phone, when bandmember Shai Sol replied, "Wait - are you friends with Marty Blume? He showed me this!"

Coronavirus has been impersonal up until now. Deaths and sickeness happened to other people. Now it's hit close to home. I'm shocked. And I'm sad for his family, sad that he's gone.

May the Lord raise him up in that day.

The Lord commanded us to help widows and orphans; now is the time. Please donate to his widow's fundraiser here.


  1. May the Lord comfort the bereaved.

  2. This hits home now..... May YHWH watch over the family of Marty Blume and comfort his wife....

  3. Amen. We live for the Lord and we die for the Lord.

  4. May YHVH be with his family and he be in the the Kingdom by Y'shua .


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