New music: James Block - Breath of Yah

New Messianic music from Israel now playing on Chavah to increase your shabbat joy!

James Block - Breath of Yah

If you're new to James' music, you'll be delighted to find soaring vocals set to beautiful piano over the ancient words of psalms the prophets. I find his music stirring and powerful.

This new album is James' 4th album on Chavah. His existing albums have been ranked really well on Chavah - you guys love his music! -- and I think this new album will likewise inspire you to praise and shout to the Lord.

Many thanks to James for sending us his music for play on Chavah. You can support James Block's music by purchasing his music or donating over at

Enjoy the new music for Messiah, fine Chavah fans! An early shabbat shalom to you all!
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