New Music: Tapestry of Praise - Tikvah

Shalom, friends. We’ve got some beautiful new music on the station contributed by the artists themselves:

Tapestry of Praise – Tikvah

I listened to this album and found it to be some really beautiful music for the Lord. I hope you all enjoy.

You can purchase the album digitally for an easy $10. Thanks for supporting Messiah’s musicians.


  1. For some reason songs are skipping or not playing at all. It reminds me of the old LPs I use to listen to. Some of the pictures are not loading properly also. I would have e-mailed my concerns but you have an obsolete contact system on your radio site.
    I really do enjoy your site and hope that these issues can be addressed.
    Yours in Yeshua

    1. Ron,

      Yeah, we're aware of it. Go to our Facebook page, you'll see we have a hardware issue on our server. We're working to get it resolved ASAP.

      Not sure what you mean by obsolete contact system; it's just an email link. :-)


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