New music: The Lumbrosos - Koveh Adonai

Shalom, Chavah fans, Judah from Chavah Messianic Radio here to let you know we’ve added some fresh new music to the station.

Patrick and Christine Lumbroso – Koveh Adonai

The Lumbrosos are longtime listeners and contributors to Chavah. This is their 3rd album to Chavah, and I think you’ll enjoy this new album. It’s their best work yet, in my opinion.

I had the distinct pleasure of meeting the Lumbrosos last year at a local Messianic congregation. They are kind people who love the Lord and are laboring for Messiah through music, writing, and traveling ministry. I hope you fine listeners will support them by purchasing their music here for $7. Thanks for supporting Messiah’s musicians.

Patrick describes their album below. Enjoy!

Many of you have already heard, worshiped and danced to some of our new songs and have asked when these new songs will be available. We are looking forward to recording so we can share them with others.  We hope to get to the studio sometime in 2016 to produce our next collection of songs.  Here is a peak at what we have in store:

  • Koveh Adonai (Isaiah 40:31)  This lively song with a Sephardi beat is taken from Isaiah 40:31 and is in both English and Hebrew.  "He who puts his trust in Adonai, he shall never falter... He who puts his trust in Adonai, he shall not be moved.  He who trusts in El Shaddai, he shall grow the wings of eagles...."
  • Out of Bozra  (Isaiah 63:1)  I, Christine, received an early birthday gift from my husband and sons:  A middle eastern keyboard!  As I was trying it out when I first got it, this melody came.  We continued to develop the song as we traveled on our 2015 summer tour.  As I made a simple recording of the melody on my phone, the words "Mighty to Save" came to me over and over again.  So I turned it over to Patrick,  my lyricist, and he did some research.  This passage "Mighty to Save" is connected to a Messianic prophecy about Messiah coming from Bosra with a garment stained red from pressing out the grapes of wrath.  We await the return of Messiah when He shall come to mete out judgement on His enemies and vindicate His followers.  In light of the persecution of believers world wide, we felt this a very timely subject.  (written June 2015)  Here is Patrick's midrash on this passage:  The Book of Genesis tells us about five kings who came to conquer the Land Abraham had received by divine mandate. As they did they captured Lot, Abraham's nephew, and his family. As a man of war, in company with his servants and those covenanted with him, Abraham comes from the East to rescue his kin. The Biblical account further tells us that in his attempt to free his own kin, the patriarch also delivers the nations from the hands of the conquering enemy. At the end of times, as a Man of war, Mashiach will also come from the East in a garment dipped in the blood to rescue His kin, His people Israel from the hands of a devilish conquering enemy who would conquer His Land. As He does, he will also deliver the nations from its hands. (Genesis 14; Isaiah 63:1-4).
  • The Ancient Olive Tree "East of Jerusalem there is an old olive tree...."  This  song brings a parable of an olive tree, the new and old branches, the prophetic significance.  A song of the Timeless Kingdom...
  • Ma Navu This is our rendition of the traditional song--ramped up with the Sephardic twist that is typical of the Lumbroso style. If you are used to dancing with to this song, get ready for high gear.
  • Vayikrah Sh'mo  This is one of our favorite songs taken from Isaiah.  "And He Shall be Called..."  Wonderful, Counselor, Prince of Peace, Everlasting Father...  Written by our favorite author/composers Sue and Steve McConnell , with their permission.


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