New music: Ben Tzion and Tali Waller – Psalms of Ascent

Shalom, Messianic music aficionados! Time for some new music, nu?

We’ve added to Chavah Messianic Radio a beautiful album by a Messianic couple living in the holy land:

Ben Tzion and Tali Waller – Psalms of Ascent

Ben Tzion and Tali describe the new album like this:

Shortly after our daughter Yael was born, we put Psalm 133 to music, and that was the beginning of this journey.

Over the next two years our journey brought us to Jerusalem for several months. There is a spiritual depth to Jerusalem that sets it apart from every other city in the world. As we walked its ancient streets and met its many faces, we began to understand why David’s heart was drawn to this city.

As our hearts grew closer to this holy place, these Psalms began to take on a more significant meaning. We continued working on the Psalms, at the same time realizing the importance of singing them in their original language.

“We began to understand why David’s heart was drawn to this city…”

The Psalms of Ascent (Psalms 120-134) are a special group of Psalms that are chanted every Sabbath among some Orthodox Jews. These songs were sung on the journey to Jerusalem for the three pilgrimage Festivals; Pesach, Shavuot, and Sukkot. In addition to being sung during the upward climb to Mt. Zion, these fifteen songs were traditionally sung on the fifteen steps that led into the Temple.

“These songs were sung on the journey to Jerusalem for the three pilgrimage Festivals…”

The songs begin in Psalm 120, where a peace-loving poet finds himself in a foreign land surrounded by war-loving neighbors. In the final song, Psalm 134, the traveler reaches the climax of his long journey and makes a call to bless HaShem in the Holy Temple of Jerusalem. The ascent to the courts of HaShem, though full of unforeseen trials, is a journey whose greatest reward is being in the awesome presence of the “Maker of heaven and earth”. We hope these Psalms of Ascent will truly cause your hearts to ascend as you worship the Holy One of Israel.

Blessed be His Name forever!
Let’s go up!

Ben Tzion and Tali Waller

The Waller family have done some beautiful music in the past. Joshua Waller’s I Believe is ranked +386 on Chavah, one of the highest ranked on the station. I’m likewise certain you fine Messianic music lovers will enjoy this new album.

Like their music? Please support Messiah’s musicians by purchasing their album over at



  1. Shalom and hello achi Yudah. Avinu SheBaShamayim and ben Adonai Yeshua ha'Mashiach by the Ruach ha'Kodesh anointed you and blessed you to start this Awesome and wondeful Chavah Messianic Radio online station for Jews and Christians alike,Ah-mein. Rav Todat Achi, Metzuyan! Baruch HaShem Yeshua, Adoni-yep,Jesus the Lord! Our Melech-King G-d's Lamb...Praise the Lord Forever and ever my chaverim! I rejoice with you on all you've done and Todah Raba. Shalom, MeCHa'el. P.S. Tell everyone to "Sha'Alu Shalom Yerushalayim" Bye:)


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