Giving thanks: David W.

Just got this message of thanks from David W. Really encouraging!

Shalom Judah

My name is David W. and I live in the UK.  Although you don't know me, I'm writing this with your station Chavah Messianic Radio playing in the background.  I'm not actually supposed to write with it playing, because I'm totally blind and partially deaf.  This means I'm supposed to listen to my computer's speech system, and it's not always a good idea to do this with Music coming out of the speakers at the same time, but I'm afraid it's pretty irresistible.

I wanted to write, and tell you how much I love listening to your radio station.  I came across it by accident two days ago, when I was looking for a messianic dating website.  Yes I know that sounds incongruous, but the only website I found didn't' work, so out of frustration I gave up and googled Messianic Music, and found your website.   It is wonderful, both because when I entered it, the music started playing automatically and my screen reader is displaying the songs titles and artists, without me having to look for them.  As a blind person, it's very rare for this to happen, and for this reason I already love your site.  Although I find signing up to it, and commenting difficult, I can listen to the tracks that are playing which is the most important thing.

But as I am still having some trouble navigating the rest of the site properly, I did want to ask a couple of things if I may.   where are you based, and where to you come from?  I'm sure this information is all available on your website, but I'm afraid that I can't find it.  This has nothing to do with your web page, it's probably because I'm a technological lamebrain.  My brother Samuel, who is also blind, is the technical wizard in our family and has the computers eating out of his hand whenever he works them.

Let me just give  you a brief bio of myself though.  Although I'm not Jewish by birth, I consider myself  and adopted Jew, when I found Yeshua.  As I a wild olive branch, was grafted into a the cultivated olive tree that is Israel.  I didn't realise when I  first came to know God, as I was only eight at the time.  But when I was eighteen, I finally got a bible in Braille that i could read for myself.  Before then I only had an audio copy of the new testament.  So when I finally got the whole bible I began to read the old  testament (Hebrew scriptures.) and fell in love!  That may sound cliché, but it really is true.  I read through the old testament and began to realise that our whole gospel was based on the Jewish people.  And that God clearly came to bless the Jews first and foremost, and then the gentiles.  This doesn't make them any more special than me, anymore than being the oldest makes me better than my youngest sister.  But obviously the Jewish people were the people God chose first, but so many Christians not only didn't know their old testament, but they didn't seem to know anything about the Jewish people either.

"Something's not right here,"  I thought. And that's when God planted the seed which has grown into my being drawn to messianic Jews, and to the Jewish people as a whole.  I am a supporter of the state of Israel, but i feel it is equally if not more important to try and reach out to Jewish people with the good news that Yeshua The Messiah has truly come.

Since then, I've tried to attend as many Jewish events as possible, usually going to a Jewish community centre in London.  I've made some wonderful Jewish friends, although so far I've not had an opportunity to really share the gospel with them yet.   But they know I'm a Christian, who has a deep love of Jewish cloture and Jewish people.  And this does seem to keep them interested although some of them are having a hard time accepting  that I wasn't born a Jew.  I fact I feel a bit of a fraud, as I'm not even Jewish by origin, and I don't even speak any Hebrew.    I'm also having trouble finding a Messianic community in the UK, which is why I was looking for the dating website.  I wasn't necessarily looking for a wife, (although that would be wonderful.)  but for some people my own age, who were Messianic Jews.  Most Christian girls, and guys come to that, don't seem to understand where I'm coming from, or share my passion.  I've  not had much luck there, but at least I have found your radio station.

Do forgive me for writing you such a long and complicated email.

God Bless You


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