Philip Stanley Klein has passed away

Sad news, friends. Philip Stanley Klein, the Messianic Jewish musician and friend of Chavah Messianic Radio, has passed away at the age of 76.

 A few years ago, Philip had personally contributed all his music to Chavah, and his song Lord of the World quickly became one of the top-rated songs on Chavah. Philip knew about about that, and several times spoke to me how encouraging that was that his music glorified God in a big way.

In 2014, he related to me that he was struggling with cancer. Even still, he remained in good spirits, praising God. When I inquired of his health a few months back, he simply said, "I'm in the Lord's hands!"

Philip's music inspired numerous Messianic artists over the years. As recently as last year, his beautiful ballad When I Worship You inspired both a cover song and album of the same name from Jonathan Settel.

The words to Philip's hit song apply fittingly here:

"When I worship you
All my fears are gone
Everything is new
You and I are one
When I sing to You
The power of the Lord
Covers all I do

When I worship you"

May the Lord whom Philip worship and served raise him up on the day the Creator, blessed be He, deems fit. All Philip's fears are gone as he worships the Lord, no longer from afar, but in His presence.

You'll be missed, Philip Klein. Thank you, from the bottom of our heart, from all of us at Chavah Messianic Radio and the fans listening for your life of service, praise and joy in the Messiah.

Fine Chavah fans, you can support Philip's family by purchasing his music for Messiah.


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